FLTWS Members – Don’t Miss This Zoom, it should be a fun one!
The next FLTWS Wildlife Connections Zoom social will be on March 28th at 11:30am EST
Topic: “Story telling session; and invitation to tell yours!” with Larry Perrin
What began as a “story-telling session” at the Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society Spring Conference in 2019 is now proposed as a possible book opportunity (and fundraiser for the FLTWS). Larry Perrin has received several, entertaining wildlifer stories that he will share with us at the next FLTWS Wildlife Connections Zoom social. He also welcomes any of you wildlife managers, researchers, or educators that have a potentially good story – please join us and “do tell!” We want to hear about your incredible adventures (or misadventures).
You are also welcome to submit your stories to yelpper7@gmail.com (word preferred). Can’t wait to see – and hear from you – then!
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